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Monday, 20 November 2017

Veterinary Equipment Repair


It is truly satisfying when your piece of high end technology works like a dream and has woven itself into the very fabric of your practise.Nothing is as good as the crisp imaging,the accurate diagnostics ,the reassuring regular beep from  anaesthetic monitoring and your confidence in the sterility of instruments.
                                                  The welfare of patients is topmost on your list of priorities.You will advise your clients regarding vaccinations,worming,nutrition,and ensuring optimised conditions for animals in your care.You would object if an animal was continually kept in dirty,cold conditions with no regular  human observation or intervention.
                                                  Similarily machines will resent being placed outside their recommended temperature or humidity range and dust or hair will not enhance the machines working environment.
                                                   Knowing that your equipment requires constant room temperature and will react poorly to high humidity may mean a rethink when installing an x ray digitiser in the kennel area or beside the autoclave.Animal hair will always be attracted to machine vents and restricted airflow can result in overheating components.Moisture and electronics are not good partners and corroded or rusting connections will definitely cause significant problems.Power outtages are inconvenient ,but power surges are a significant threat to your computerised equipment.
                                                   Equipment will often have consumables which need to be regularily changed and preventative maintenance should be regarded in the same way as vaccinations(necessary and costly if ignored).
In medical hospitals there are teams of instrument technicians constantly monitoring the valuable equipment and doing the basic housekeeping such as changing filters,cleaning probes and sensors etc.Hospitals will always have service contracts with supply companies and this ensures that companies have adequate back up available if there is an equipment failure.
Vets are a little more exposed if something goes wrong particularily if the equipment has been bought abroad or has no local support.
The machine may have been less expensive to purchase abroad but shipping it overseas for repair,paying for travel insurance and then being at the mercy of the supplier is not a very comfortable position particularily when your clients have no alternative but to approach your opposition for service while you are frantically awaiting the return of equipment.
Our policy in Vetequip ensures that we can  supply service,support and repair facilities for all our customers for all of our products.Our engineers get product training from suppliers and continually update their skills through inhouse and 3rd party training.
Peter Ryan manages our service hub and once a call is logged on his system he will pursue a resolution with focused determination.He will schedule a service call to your practise at a time and date which minimises your equipment downtime.
We have recently launched a veterinary equipment rental scheme and this has proved immensely popular as it provides a unique and extremely welcome service for the veterinary profession.
Please contact Peter @053 9100655 (e-mail )to book a service/ arrange a repair or rent a replacement machine.
We repair:
X ray Equipment
Ultrasound Scanners
Dental Equipment
Surgery Lights 
Bull Ejaculators
Blood Analysers

We are accredited to the EPA and the Practise accreditation scheme.
Contact us today for a free quotation

Monday, 16 October 2017

Veterinary Anaesthetic Monitors

Monitoring vital signs during surgery is never high on the list of priorities until problems occur.Then, the reason for surgery loses precedence until the emergency issue is resolved.Of course it would be really beneficial if advance notice was available for any impending unforeseen circumstances and unfortunately the most commonly used apnoea alert is virtually useless as it only alerts when trouble has already arrived.
It is very reassuring when you know that ECG,NIBP,Heart rate,SpO2 and respiration are continually monitored during procedures and you can concentrate fully on the job at hand.The compact 7 and compact 9 units can be upgraded for EtCO2 and IBP and all units are supplied complete with a rechargeable battery and thermal printer.

Ref Code Description Price
115700S Compact 5.1755  7 ins screen ECG,Heart Rate NIBP.SpO2,Respiration
115900S Compact 7. €2195  Above +10.4 ins screen  plus optional EtCO2 and IBP
116000S Compact 9. €2599  Above +12.1 ins touchscreen plus optional EtCO2 and IBP

Options +Replacement parts
105913 ETCO2 for Compact 71755
105918 ETCO2 for Compact 91755
115035 3 Lead Patient extension cable110
115036 Compact 5 ECG  Lead 3 cable85
115041 Compact 5 ECG Cable 5 lead135
105917 Compact 7&9 ECG 5 lead185
205264 Universal SPo2 Sensor110
107038 NIBP Cuff35
507606 Temp Probe€ 110
105041 Mobile cart390
103020 5 Roll printer paper@4 euro per roll
All units have colour screens,rechargeable battery and printer as standard.

To order yours today
Pat Kavanagh @087 2503629
John Sweeney @087 2670137
Ed Flaherty     @ 0879470463

Monday, 23 January 2017

 Biochemistry Analysis with the Abaxis  Veterinary Analyser

The Vetscan VS2 is an innovative,state of the art chemistry,electrolyte,immunoassay,and blood gas analyser that delivers uncompromising accuracy from just three drops of blood..The Vetscan is amazingly simple and intuitive .It features an advanced user interface and using whole blood,serum or plasma will produce a  precise reference laboratory quality result in just 12 minutes.The Vetscan VS2 requires minimal counter space is maintenance free and  completely portable.It can store 5000 patient records and will detect sample haemolysis,lipemia and icterus.It connects to popular practise management software and contributes immensely to practise efficiency 
Accurate and reliable results should be complimented by accurate interpretation,and I hope the following guidelines will be of assistance.

General Health(Comprehensive) Profiles



ALB :Albumin metabolism is controlled by the liver,Albumin is a low molecular weight protein which is responsible for the maintenance of plasma osmotic levels.

Elevated Levels Indicate  

Low Levels Indicate
*Renal Disease
*Severe Liver disease e.g.Cirrhosis,Hepatitis,Tumours
*Diabetes Mellitus
*Digestive disorders

Is found in both liver and bone.
Cats have less ALP than dogs and the kidneys rapidly excrete slight excesses.
Increased ALP in cats is significant and suggests Cholestasis.
Normal values in puppies and kittens are higher than in adults because of active bone growth.
Diseases causing bone remodelling in adults cause slight elevations of less than two times normal.

Is present in large quantities in the cytoplasm of canine and feline hepatocytes.
The enzyme enters the blood when liver cells are damaged or destroyed and circulates for a few days.
ALT is a sensitive indicator of active liver damage but does not indicate the cause or reversability of the damage.
Increased serum ALT activity indicates recent or ongoing liver cell damage
An increase of at least 3X normal indicates significant liver damage within the previous 3-5 days.

Pancreatic inflammation,Necrosis or Pancreatic duct occlusion releases Amylase into the blood and peritoneal cavity.
This elevates Serum Amylase levels to 2 or 3 times normal
Increases absorption from upper intestinal inflammation and decreased renal excretion mildly elevate Serum Amylase activity.
Amylase is an indicator of acute pancreatitis..

Increased BUN levels can have prerenal,renal or post renal causes.
Heart disease,Hypoadrenocorticism,Dehydration and shock are common postrenal causes
BUN levels decrease with starvation or chronic liver disease.

Calcium is an essential element which is involved in many body systems.
These include the skeleton,enzyme activation,muscle metabolism,blood coagulation and osmoregulation.

Elevated Levels Indicate              
*Renal Failure
*Hypervitaminosis D
*Addisons disease

Low Levels indicate 
*Acute Pancreatitis


Classification                                    Cause
Prerenal                                      *Dehydration
                                                   *Cardiovascular Disease
                                                   *Shock(septic or traumatic)
                                                   *High protein Diet
                                                     (ureanitrogen increase only)
                                                   *Haemorrhage into gastrointestina
                                                       (urea-nitrogen increase only) 

Renal                                          *Renal diseases causing 2/3-3/4 nephrons to be

Postrenal                                    *Obstruction of urinary tract
                                                  *Rupture of urinary tract
Creatinine is formed during ske;letal muscle metabolism with urea nitrogen,the serum creatinine is a crude index of glomerular filtration.


Globulin suggests chronic inflammation or gammopathy.Serum Globulin levels are usually estimated from the total serum protein and albumin levels.If Globulin levels are increased serum protein electrophoresis can determine if the increase is due to inflammation or neoplasia.Inflammation and certain diseases(Feline infectious peritonitis in cats,ehrlichosis in dogs) cause polyclonal gammopathies.


High levels are seen in stress and diabetes mellitus
Low glucose is usually a laboratory error
In dogs persistent marked  hyperglycemia is usually caused by diabetes mellitus.Endogenous epinephrine release and sample collection after a recent meal cause transient hyperglycemia.

Elevated Levels Indicate
*Diabetes Mellitus
*Pituitary Tumours
*Acute Pancreatic,Liver or Kidney disease

Low Levels Indicate
*Liver Disease


Low K is caused by translocationin alkalosis and by excessive loss
High K has many causes e.g.adrenal failure,dehydration and acidosis
Potassium is found primarily in the intracellular fluid and is excreted by the kidneys under the influence of aldosterone.
Renal failure,urethral obstruction,dehydration and hypoadrenocorticism can cause hyperkalemia severe enough to result in cardiac arrest.Serum Potassium levels can be high and intracellular levels low in acidosis because of translocation.


Low NA with no apparent loss may indicate aldosterone deficiency
High NA usually indicates dehydration

Sodium levels are high in extracellular fluid and bone.
Serum Sodium levels are controlled by aldosterone,which promotes sodium retention by the kidneys.
Diarrhoea,vomiting,renal disease,diabetes mellitus,hypoadrenocorticism and uroabdomen can cause low serum Sodium levels(hyponatremia).
Water loss from the respiratory,urinary or intestinal tract occasionally results in dehydration severe enough to increase serum sodium levels(hypernatremia)


High Phos is common in hemolysis,renal disease,hypoparathyroidism,and growing animals.
Low Phos is common in early hyperparathyroidism,alkolosis and neoplasia.

Serum Phosphorous levels are elevated with renal failure,hypoparathyroidism,nutritional secondary hypoparathyroidism,hypervitaminosis D and hyperthyroidism in cats.
Uremia is the most common cause of hyperphosphatemia.


TBIL is the breakdown product of Haem.The major sites of Bilirubin formation are the spleen and the liver.

Elevated levels indicate
*Haemolytic Disease
*Liver infection
*Chronic Hepatitis
*Internal Blood loss


TP is a rough screen for dehydration.
Glomerular disease,Liver disease,Starvation,and Malabsorption can decrease total protein levels.
Severe dehydration,lymphosarcoma,myeloma and infection increase the total plasma protein level.

Elevated Levels Indicate
*Rheumatoid arthritishttps

visit the Abaxis site
Go to Vetequip Site