- When purchasing an autoclave choice should meet needs and hopefully the following will help to choose the most suitable option:
- What size sterilization chamber.
- What materials .eg surgical instruments.surgical drapes.plastic specula,etc
- Do you require a choice of sterilization cycles.
- Are you going to sterilize both wrapped and unwrapped instruments.
- Bench mounted or Freestanding unit
- Manual or automatic
- Do you need a drying cycle.
- Is a Vacuum system necessary.
- Have you got a water distiller.
- Is cycle validation a requirement.
- Does the unit re cycle water .
- Is it a good idea to have a water tank feed and a separate tank for "dirty water".
- Are service and repair facilities available.
- Instruments should be surgically clean prior to autoclaving and ultrasonic cleaning may be a safe as well as labour saving option.
- Questions or further assistance can be directed to me at my e mail address pfxtkavanagh@gmail.com or to view products online please click the following link:http://www.vetequipment.ie/products.php?cat=31